How does Angular work

                                                                Complete Flow of Angular 

 1. ANGULAR.JSON File : ANGULAR.JSON is the file which has various properties and configuration of your Angular project.

2. MAIN.TS : This file acts as the entry point of the application. This entry point is defined in the internals of webpack that is used by Angular to support the modular functionality. The path/name of the main file can be changed but it should also be changed in angular.json file. Main.ts helps in creating the browser environment for the application to run. 

3. APP.MODULE.TS:From the main.ts file, it is very clear that we are bootstrapping the app with AppModule. This AppModule is defined in APP.MODULE.

4. APP.COMPONENT.TS: This is the file which interacts with the html of the webpage and serves it with the data. The component is made by using @Component decorator which is imported from @angular/core. The component has a selector, which is like a custom html tag which we can use to call that component.

5. INDEX.HTML:Here, the index.html file is called. It is found in the src folder of the app. Compiler dynamically adds all the javascript files at the end of this file.

6. APP.COMPONENT.HTML:This is the file which contains all the html elements and their binding which are to be displayed when the app loads. Contents of this file are the first things to be displayed.

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                                                                                                            Happy Learning 😀


                                                                                                             Piyush Rai (Software Engineer)


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